The modern-day Arcadia Bonsmara has its roots in the harsh and tick-infested Bushveld of North Western Transvaal. This was where Arthur Edward de Villiers started breeding stud cattle in 1937. Nowadays the Arcadia Bonsmara cow herd consists of approximately 1 000 Stud Proper AG breeding females. Another 200 JV-cows are managed and bred with AG bulls to produce Commercial bulls for local commercial breeders.

All cows are mated in a multiple sire system with DNA sire identification. We also do AI on some cows and heifers in the beginning of the breeding season.


Arcadia Bonsmara se rol in karkaskompetisies

Oor die jare is daar al baie geskryf oor redes waarom Bonsmaras die beesras is om mee te  boer. Vandag wil ek egter een van die goeie redes beklemtoon met feite oor die laaste vier  jaar se Nasionale Karkaskompetisies en hoe die Bonsmaras gevaar het.


Bull selection is important

Even though the bull contributes 50% of it’s genetic make up to each calf, the number of calves he sires, dramatically increases the magnitude of it’s contribution.


Hoe om liggaamsvet te gebruik om koei vrugbaarheid te verhoog

n Doeltreffende kruisteeltprogram is nie ‘n eenvoudige praktyk nie. Dit vereis spesifieke bestuursvernuf, infrastruktuur en die deurlopende voorsiening van rasegte ouermateriaal.


Wen met Verse wat vroeg kalf

Met ‘n slim plan kalf die verse in dié Bonsmara-stoetery as hulle sowat twee jaar oud is en raak 93 % van hulle weer in die volgende dektyd beset

Awards & Achievements

Bonsmara breeders are not allowed to participate in competitive showing, something that we fully agree with. Because of that, achievements can be measured through prices obtained for cattle over a period of time. During the past years we have almost always achieved the highest and the highest average prices per sale on the National Sale as well as during our Production sales.


AG Bonsmara offers accommodation on our premises for any visitors looking to stay a night or more. Click here to view our accommodation.


We farm with some of the best bonsmara cattle in South Africa. The modern-day Arcadia Bonsmara has its roots in the harsh and tick-infested Bushveld of North Western Transvaal.